"All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Friday, October 21, 2011

Document Inserts

Survey for all UHH Residents from the Department of the Interior.
Dear Resident,
            Enclosed you will find a 25 question survey regarding the level of care you feel has been afforded to you, after the event of [date illegible]. Please answer the questions to the best of your ability and please be sure to answer all of the questions.
            We at the Department of the Interior, with the help of the Emergency Council, and Project Habitat, have been doing all that is in our power to alleviate the danger to you and to your families. This survey is to help us rethink our approach to this, however, due to the unrest in Phoenix last September.
            This survey is not mandatory, but we do encourage you to complete and return. Thank you very much for your anticipated cooperation.
                                                                                    Victor Mondovi
Secretary of the Interior

Questions 1-10 will be in the form of multiple choice. Questions 11-20 will be True of False Answers.  Questions 21-25 are short answer, and provided so you may voice your concerns on various other topics. Remember to write legibly. All data gathered in this survey will be available to the
1). How well do you feel the government prepared for the event?
            A. Very Well
            B. Somewhat Well
            C. Not Sure/Undecided
            D. Somewhat Poorly
            E. Very Poorly

2). How confident do you feel about the security of the Temporary Living Facilities?
            A. Very Confident
            B. Somewhat Confident
            C. Not Sure/Undecided
            D. Somewhat Unconfident
            E. Very Unconfident.

3) In regard to the General Conduct of US and EC Representatives do you feel:
            A. Satisfied with the Representatives
            B. Somewhat Satisfied
            C. Not Sure/Undecided
            D. Somewhat Unsatisfied
            E. Very Unsatisfied
4) Are the supplies to UHH settlements
            A. Very Reguar
            B. Regular
            C. Fairly Regular
            D. Irregular
            E. Very Irregular
5) Do you feel that conditions on the UHH settlements are:
            A. Getting Much Better
            B. Getting Better
            C.  Unchanged
            D. Getting Worse
            E. Getting Much Worse
6) Has anything bee-

[Rip in page here, all subsequent pages absent]
Gentlemen, since the incidents at Gecko Creek and Salvation, there have been extensive evaluations of our work on the UHH settlements. So far, in all assessments, the UHH settlements have proven to be the least effective in the post-disaster era. To be blunt, the situation on the UHH settlements is disastrous. In the most recent government surveys, we found that there is a near unanimity among UHH settlements that the government’s response to the current crisis has been particularly poor. This survey of course has been classified, as the UN has recently taken a more active interest in our handling of the situation.
Gentlemen, I don’t think I need to tell you that their involvement would be disastrous to the administrations designs for the areas. The president has expressed displeasure with the overall performance of his representatives, particularly in the outer UHH areas. These areas as we have previously stressed, require the most vigilance to keep the populace subdued. UHH areas 279 -467 are to be kept appeased at all costs. They posses a high proportion of Rarities, significantly higher than any of us dared hope. Even with the current restrictions in place and our Emergency Council operating in full swing, these areas cannot be allowed to get uppity. To this end, there will be a change in the rounds of the Government Envoys. Government Envoys previously assigned to UHH areas 56 -278 will be moved to outer areas, as they have exhibited better control of harsher situations than the current representatives for the UHH areas 279 – 467.
As of this time we are also considering more extreme measures in order to keep the peace, but as of this moment, we are only taking this precautionary measure. And gentlemen, this time don’t mess it up.

                                                                        Carla Geist
Secretary of the Interior.

TO: Ken Murray of the IIS, Leslie Manning of the Department of the Interior, and Maeda Shinobo of the UNEC
FROM: Alexander Pitrov of the Scientific Survey
This dispatch is the preliminary findings of the Scientific Survey’s three-year investigation into the activity within the UHH zones. Despite my best instincts I was instructed to submit this report to you, before anything had the chance to be finalized. As these findings are preliminary, and subject to drastic change, I will remind you that the disclosure of any information revealed herein could fundamentally corrupt our results.
In regard to the query of the Department of the Interior, the distribution of Rarities was one of the first things we looked into. You will find the scatter plot of their distribution with the UHH areas attached to this email, but I can sum up the findings relatively succinctly. There seems to actually be little relation to the distance from the Event Site, given a certain point. UHH’s 290-467 do indeed have the greatest number of Rarities, and the rise within that group is proportional to its distance from the Event Site. However, from 56-290, there exists no real pattern with the data gathered. The current speculation is that the mass migration to sites of more habitability following the Event is skewing the numbers in these lower UHH zones, but that is just the best hypothesis we have at this time. Another two years of research will be needed before we can tell you anything for sure.
The Event Site is still unknown, though we are have narrowed down the possible radius to only 2000 square miles. This is made more difficult by the fact that the event seems to have an irregular pattern that conforms to no previously known nuclear event. Indeed, we [the rest of this paragraph has been blacked out]
The IIS, before we began our investigation, asked us about the activities of the militants in the UHH zones 1-72. While the investigation did have a sociological component, our primary focus has always been on the actual inhabitants of the UHH zones that receive government and UN aid. As such, the investigation did not initially focus overly much on the activities of the militant groups. However, it soon became apparent to us that in the lower UHH zones, the mere existence of the militants had a profound effect upon the daily lives of the inhabitants, and as such we have begun a much closer study of the groups.
However, the preliminary results are already available, and are quite interesting. There seem to be three major factions within the militants, although there are of course dozens of smaller groups, outside these three. The smaller groups, though, are the ones that seem to be operate within the range of UHH zones still inside government control. They generally raid either government convoys or the actual settlements, though they almost never kill any inhabitants, in UHH areas 67-72, though in the inner zones there can be the wholesale slaughter of settlements. However, these groups are almost irrelevant to the actual dynamics of the militant groups. They’re little more than scavengers, and while there will be a more complete report on them, we have not focused overly much on them, as of yet.

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