"All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An Announcement, You Know, Like a Real Blog People Care About

It is my pleasure to inform....precisely no one, that this blog is now a free enterprise! Now by that I don't mean that it'll make money, because that would make me happy and that's the sort of thing that can't be allowed, but I do mean that it is now entirely under my control.

See I began this as an assignment for class an assignment that has rapidly become less then invigorating, due in no small part to me being one of the only people who actually used the blog. By the end of the semester we were initially supposed to have 60 of these dispatches, but by the end of the year it was cut to the point were even when I stopped doing my entries regularly, I still had enough to pass. However, the semester is now over and I've decided to entirely repurpose this blog!

For what? I don't know...

How so? Well, I'm still not 100% on that but I'll get back to you...

Will it still carry on the sub-par level of amusement you've mustered thus far? Perhaps...

Will we still have to read all of those stupid stories and idiotic comparisons? Hey! I call foul! First off these questions are rather hard for someone whose trying to wing it! Secondly, I don't think anyone ever read my blog, so this whole "we" thing is uncalled for!

Ehhem. Moving on. So, from this day forward, this shall be a place to really spread my wings, and go in any direction that I see fit!...that mainly is what I've been doing though, so what this actually means is there will be more profanity. If that offends you, thank god! Someone's read this! And they formed an opinion!

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