"All good writing is swimming under water and holding your breath." - F. Scott Fitzgerald

Friday, September 23, 2011

Thoughts I had While Going to Sleep?

Age 8
            What will I be when I grow up?
            Will it be exciting?
            Is there the possibility that it could get in the way of my social life?
            Why would I care?
            How come every episode of Power Rangers is the same?
            If my big brother burns the nose off a Woody toy, should I call him Sid?
            Why are the people who live to either side of us odd?
            Do those Danish Soldier toys want faces?
            Why is Frodo so whiny?
Age 10
            What will I be when I grow up?
            Is being Indian Jones a profession?
            And is being afraid of snakes required?
            Do I need a time machine for that?
How come every five episodes of Dragon Ball Z could be condensed into one?           
Is my big brother going to die from going down the hill on a piece of wood attached to roller skates?
Why are these people still our neighbors?
If I talk to my toys, am I insane?
Would Batman ever fight Superman? If they did, how badly would Superman lose?
Age 12
            What will I be when I grow up?
            Will girls find it exciting?
            If they do, do my odds of survival go way down?
            Can I find a job no one has an opinion on?
            How come every episode of every anime is the same?
            Is my little brother always going to be this annoying?
            Why does almost no one live near us? Are we difficult?
            How do I stop my parents selling my toys in a yard sale?
            Why am I still worried about toys?
Age 16
            What will I be when I grow up?
            Will it require more work than school?
            If it does, will doing a mediocre job hurt my chances of advancement?
            If so, would I be better served just striving for the middle?
            How come every season of the Sopranos is the same?
            Will my brother be chiller after he starts college?
            Is it ethical to steal our neighbor’s dog?

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